New Laravel Migration Shortcuts for Foreign Keys

While everyone is loving the features in the new Laravel 8 release this week, I just discovered something cool I missed in Laravel 7.

Inside your migration, if you need to specify a foreign key, that typically would require two separate lines of code: one for the field itself, the other for the foreign key constraint.

Schema::table('posts', function (Blueprint $table) {


This is such a common pattern, however, that a convenience method was added in Laravel 7 that does both in a single line of code.

Schema::table('posts', function (Blueprint $table) {

Both examples come straight from the Laravel 7 docs.

This isn’t a ground breaking feature, in fact it wasn’t even listed in the Laravel 7 release notes, but it is a nice quality of life improvement that I’m glad I stumbled across reading the docs recently.

It’s probably not a bad idea to just periodically re-read the docs with a new major version. There are likely little gems like this that would go overlooked otherwise.